  • Workbook (Teacher’s Edition) [PDF] - A downloadable and printable copy of the workbook with solutions for all exercises.

  • Online Community (Discourse) [Discourse] - Talk with other Bootstrap teachers, ask questions, and share out ideas!

  • Collection of Bootstrap:Algebra Desmos Activities [link]


Textbook Alignment

We offer alignment guides for several popular math textbooks, which make it easy to adopt Bootstrap as part of your normal scope and sequence. These guides are available for:

  • Illustrative Math (Grade 6) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Illustrative Math (Grade 7) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Illustrative Math (Grade 8) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Illustrative Math (HS) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Connected Mathematics - CMP3 (Grade 6) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Connected Mathematics - CMP3 (Grade 7) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Connected Mathematics - CMP3 (Grade 8) - [HTML, PDF]

  • Bilingual Glossary of Bootstrap Terms (English-Spanish) [PDF] - For teachers with ELL/ESL students, we provide a bilingual glossary for all of the terms used across our curriculum library.

  • Contracts [PDF] - for teachers who want only the contracts reference from the back of the student workbook, without using the entire book.

  • Blank Design Recipe Worksheet [PDF, Google Doc] - Use alongside story problems for a function development template.

  • Buggy Design Recipes [Recipes, Answer key] - Real examples of common student mistakes. Get some practice grading them, or practice getting students over common misconceptions.

Videos for Teachers

Developed in partnership with

Modeling and Coordinates

Order of Operations

Domain and Range

Defining Values

Introducing The Design Recipe

Using The Design Recipe

Boolean Logic & Inequalities

Piecewise Functions

The Pythagorean Theorem

Exercises and Solutions

Notice and Wonder

Reverse Engineer a Video Game

Estimating Coordinates

Brainstorm Your Own Game

Translate Arithmetic to Circles of Evaluation & Code (Intro)

Completing Circles of Evaluation from Arithmetic Expressions

Matching Circles of Evaluation and Arithmetic Expressions

Completing Partial Code from Circles of Evaluation

Matching Circles of Evaluation & Code

Translate Arithmetic to Circles of Evaluation & Code 2

Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code - Challenge

Matching Circles of Evaluation & Code

Creating Circles of Evaluation from Arithmetic Expressions

Creating Circles of Evaluation from Arithmetic Expressions 2

Creating Circles of Evaluation from Arithmetic Expressions 3

Converting Circles of Evaluation to Arithmetic Expressions

Converting Circles of Evaluation to Arithmetic Expressions 2

Evaluating Circles of Evaluation

Evaluating Circles of Evaluation 2

Converting Circles of Evaluation to Code

Converting Circles of Evaluation to Code 2

Translate Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code 3

Translate Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code 4

Translate Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code 5

Translate Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code 6

Translating Circles of Evaluation to Code - w/Square Roots

Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code - Challenge 2

Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code - Challenge 3

Arithmetic Expressions to Circles of Evaluation & Code - Challenge 4

Numbers and Strings


Applying Functions

Domain and Range Frayer model

Practicing Contracts: Domain & Range

Matching Expressions and Contracts


Using Contracts

Using Contracts (continued)

Triangle Contracts

Triangle Contracts (SAS & ASA)

Radial Star

Star Polygon

Diagramming Function Composition

Function Composition — Green Star

Function Composition — Your Name

Function Composition — scale-xy

More than one way to Compose an Image

Defining Values - Explore

Defining Values - Chinese Flag

Why Define Values?

Writing Code using Defined Values

Flags of the World

Estimating Coordinates

Decomposing Flags

quick guide to saving images to drive

Matching Examples and Definitions (Math)

Matching Examples and Function Definitions

The Great gt domain debate

Matching Examples and Contracts

Contracts, Examples & Definitions

Contracts, Examples & Definitions - 2

Creating Contracts From Examples

Writing Examples from Purpose Statements

Writing Examples from Purpose Statements 2

Do Examples Have the Same Contracts?

Do Examples Have the Same Contracts? (2)

Matching Contracts and Examples

Matching Contracts and Examples 2

Writing Quality Purpose Statements

The Design Recipe - Direct Variation

The Design Recipe (Practice 1)

The Design Recipe (Practice 2)

The Design Recipe (Practice 3)

The Design Recipe (Slope/Intercept 1)

The Design Recipe (Negative Slope/Intercept)

The Design Recipe (Geometry - Rectangles)

The Design Recipe (Geometry - Rectangular Prisms)

The Design Recipe (Geometry - Circles)

The Design Recipe (Geometry - Cylinders)

The Design Recipe (Slope/Intercept 2)

The Design Recipe (Slope/Intercept 3)

Danger and Target Movement

Moving in Two Dimensions

The Design Recipe: Revenue & Cost


Boolean Functions

Simple Inequalities

Converting Circles of Evaluation to Code

Compound Inequalities — Practice

Compound Inequalities: Solutions & Non-Solutions

Compound Inequality Functions

Converting Circles of Evaluation with Booleans to Code 2

Sam the Butterfly

Left and Right

Onscreen - More than One Way

Keeping NinjaCat in the Game

Welcome to Alice’s Restaurant

Alice’s Restaurant - Explore

Challenges for update-player

Writing Code to Calculate Missing Lengths

Distance on the Coordinate Plane

The Distance Between (0, 2) and (4, 5)

Multiple Representations: Distance between two points

Distance From Game Coordinates

Distance From Game Coordinates 2

Distance (px, py) to (cx, cy)

Comparing Code: Finding Missing Distances

Top Down / Bottom Up

Other Facilitation Resources

  • Assessment Guide [Google Doc] - Guidance for teachers on assessing student programs.

  • Grading Rubric [Google Doc] - A simple grading rubric for Design Recipes.

  • Sample Homework Submission Form [Google Doc]

  • Broadening Participation [Google Slides] - Making computing relevant, accessible and welcoming to all students isn’t a pipe-dream. Like anything else worth doing, it takes some good practice and a desire to do it right and keep improving. We’ve put together some pointers based on best-practices from the CS-Education literature, for Bootstrap teachers or anyone looking to broaden participation in Computer Science.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting