Referenced from lesson Functions for Character Animation
Directions: Use the Design Recipe to write a function update-danger,
which takes in the danger’s x-coordinate and produces the next x-coordinate, which is 50 pixels to the left.
Contract and Purpose Statement |
Every contract has three parts…
; _____________:_______->______
; ________________________________________________________
Examples |
Write some examples, then circle and label what changes…
(EXAMPLE (_____________ ____)___________)
(EXAMPLE (_____________ ____)___________)
Definition |
Write the definition, giving variable names to all your input values…
(define (_____________ __)
Directions: Use the Design Recipe to write a function update-target,
which takes in the danger’s x-coordinate and produces the next x-coordinate, which is 50 pixels to the right.
Contract and Purpose Statement |
Every contract has three parts…
; _____________:_______->______
; ________________________________________________________
Examples |
Write some examples, then circle and label what changes…
(EXAMPLE (_____________ ____)___________)
(EXAMPLE (_____________ ____)___________)
Definition |
Write the definition, giving variable names to all your input values…
(define (_____________ __)
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation,
(awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, and 1738598).
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