*For our purposes, a snack is any food or beverage other than water that you consume between meals.*

1 Below is a table of the prompts you will see in the google form you will be completing for each snack you consume over the next 5 days. What do you Notice? What do you Wonder?

2 Complete the table by defining each variable’s data type (Number,String, Boolean, Image…​).

Prompt Variable Name Data Type

Time you ate the Snack
Format: The nearest hour on the 24-hour clock (e.g. 4am = 4, 4pm = 16)


Date you ate the Snack
Format: 09/23/24


True or False: You ate this snack on a day you went to school?


What’s the name of the snack?


Is your snack salty? sweet? Or neither?


How many servings did you eat?


How many calories per serving?


How many grams of total fat per serving?


How many milligrams of sodium per serving?


How many grams of sugar per serving?


How healthy do you think the snack is?
(1- very unhealthy; 5- very healthy)


In one word, describe why you are eating the snack.


How much does this snack cost?


How many ingredients are in this snack?


Take a photo of your snack or beverage.
(Your teacher may or may not have included this in the actual google form, but having some images of your snacks will probably be useful for your final project.)


Note: Most snacks come in packages with nutritional value labels that will help you to answer many of these questions. When eating a snack whose package does not include the nutritional value, a simple google search will return an image that looks just like those labels, e.g. "Nutritional Value of an Apple". Similarly, if you get a snack from the cupboard rather than the store, you can google for the price.

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