About this Dataset
Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement |
I explained why this dataset is interesting to me, others like me, and why others should care about this data. I considered why the dataset was collected, and what purpose it might serve. I correctly identified all the rows, columns, and types in my dataset. |
I explained why this dataset was interesting to me and at least one other person/group, and shared something about where it came from. I correctly identified most of the rows, columns, and types in my dataset. |
I explained why this dataset was interesting to me, and shared something about where it came from. I correctly identified some rows, columns, and types in my dataset. |
My Questions
Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement |
I had lots of questions by the end of the exploration, and I chose at least two that I thought were most interesting. I explained why I thought they were interesting, and wrote about grouped samples that might be good to explore when answering those questions. |
I had a few questions by the end of the exploration, and I chose at least one that was interesting. I wrote about grouped samples that might be good to explore. |
I picked a question, and wrote about grouped samples. |
Analysis: Quantity, Variety, and Connectedness of Displays
Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement |
I used a variety of categorical and quantitative displays, including at least 10 different displays in my project. I gave each display a descriptive title. I specified how the display changed my thinking and influenced the next display that I chose to make. |
Throughout my project, I used a limited assortment of displays. I included at least 8 different displays in my project. Most of my displays were descriptively titled. I attempted to describe how the display changed my thinking and influenced the next display that I made - but my descriptions were unclear. |
I included 4 or fewer displays in my project. The displays did not include titles, or the titles were not descriptive. I did not adequately describe how each display changed my thinking. |
Discussion: Threats to Validity, Ethical Implications, Questions for Future Study
Wow! | Getting There | Needs Improvement |
I explained my findings clearly and in detail. I also wrote about possible threats to validity, considering all of the different threats we learned about in the context of diversity, bias, power, and discrimination. I explained why (or why not) the results were enough to make a strong claim. I thought about the ethical implications of collecting this data, or how my research might be used in good or bad ways. I wrote about how I would continue this research, with more data and/or more questions. |
I explained my findings, and wrote about some threats to validity and ethical questions. I considered some issues regarding diversity, bias, power and discrimination - but not all of them. I wrote about possible ways to continue the research. |
I talked about my findings, but only discussed some threats to validity, ethics, or possible future research. Other parts were missing. |
Additional Teacher Feedback
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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