Important: Students, be sure to sumbit all components of this project, including (1) Functions Study, (2) Designing Your Function, (3) the two Coding Your Function pages, and (4) your published Pyret program link.

Wow! Getting There Needs Improvement

Function Study

I reflected on maroon-square and clearly explained how it works. I demonstrated my understanding that mystery consumes an image (produced by a shape function). I made thoughtful observations about the purpose of indentation and linebreaks in code.

My reflection demonstrated understanding of maroon-square, but I showed only a partial understanding of mystery.

I left parts of the page incomplete, or provided incorrect responses. It is unclear if I understand what maroon-square and mystery do.

Designing Your Function

I chose at least one shape function and at least three transformation functions. I clearly articulated what I want my function to do, and was able to accurately sketch two images that my function would produce.

I chose at least one shape function and at least three transformation functions. My description of what I want my function to do was confusing. The two images that I sketched did not perfectly align with my description of my function.

I did not choose the required amount of functions. My description of what I want my function to do was confusing and inaccurate. The images that I sketched did not correlate with my description of my function.

Circle of Evaluation

My Circle of Evaluation shows my very best attempt to represent my function. Every Circle has a function at the top, and one or more inputs at the bottom. My inputs are in the correct order, because I’ve used contracts to determine what belongs inside of each Circle. There are no syntax errors, because every String is in "quotation marks" and any decimals have at least one number to the left of the decimal point.

My Circle of Evaluation shows a solid attempt to represent my function. I’ve followed the rules for creating Circles. There are no more than three Contract or Syntax errors.

My Circle of Evaluation is hard to for the reader to interpret, and occasionally breaks rules for creating Circles. I have made four or more Contract or Syntax errors.

Peer Review

I addressed all feedback provided by my reviewer.

My reviewer gave me feedback and I only addressed some of it.

My reviewer gave me feedback and I didn’t address it.

My Program Submission

Running my code produces no errors. In the Definitions Area, my image definitions, examples, and function definition are readable because I’ve formatted them correctly. My function definition includes at least three transformations.

Running my code produces no errors. I’ve made an attempt to format my examples and definition, but there is room for improvement. I included two transformations.

Running my code produces errors. My examples and definition are not formatted at all. I have included only one or two transormations.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting