Measures of Center
Wow! ☐ | Getting There ☐ | Needs Improvement ☐ |
I selected at least two columns in my dataset, and correctly filled out the entire summary table for each one (or wrote about why my data didn’t allow for this). Based on these measures, I decided which measure of center was best for each column, and I provided a detailed interpretation of what these measures tell me about the dataset. |
I selected at least two columns in my dataset (or wrote about why my data didn’t allow for this), and correctly filled out the entire summary table for each one. I tried to interpret what these measures tell me about the dataset, but my interpretation lacked detail. |
I filled out most of the table but didn’t demonstrate understanding of what these measures tell about the dataset. |
Correlation and Linear Regression
Wow! ☐ | Getting There ☐ | Needs Improvement ☐ |
I either included multiple scatterplots or wrote about why my data didn’t allow for multiple. I described my observations, including identifying outliers and patterns that could point to possible correlations. If the scatter plot didn’t reveal any patterns or outliers, I wrote about that. When the corresponding linear regression plot(s) showed a correlation, I included an additional slide and a thoughtful interpretation. |
I included at least one scatter plot with cursory descriptions and observations. I included a slide of a linear regression plot showing a correlation or described why I didn’t include any linear regression plots. |
I added at least one slide about a scatter plot. The description and/or display may be lacking. I may have left out the linear regression, included one that didn’t reveal a correlation, or offered an incorrect interpretation of it. |
My Questions
Wow! ☐ | Getting There ☐ | Needs Improvement ☐ |
I had lots of questions by the end of the exploration, and I chose at least two that I thought were most interesting. I explained why I thought they were interesting, and wrote about grouped samples that might be good to explore when answering those questions. |
I had a few questions by the end of the exploration, and I chose at least one that was interesting. I wrote about grouped samples that might be good to explore. |
I picked a question, and wrote about grouped samples. |
Additional Teacher Feedback
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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