Open the Animals Starter File. Before completing a data cycle on your own, read the provided example.
How big of a factor is age in determining adoption time? |
Question Type (circle one): Lookup Arithmetic Statistical |
all animals at the shelter name, age, and weeks |
lr-plot(animals-table, "name", "age", "weeks") |
The slope is positive (0.789) and R=0.448, so there is a moderate, positive relationship
Is weight a bigger factor?
I performed a linear regression on a sample of animals at the shelter[dataset or subset] and found a moderate (R=.448), positiveweak / strong / moderate (R=…), positive / negative correlation between age[x-axis] and time to adoption[y-axis]. I would predict that a 1 year[x-axis units] increase in age[x-axis] is associated with a .789 week[slope, y-units] increaseincrease / decrease in time to adoption[y-axis]. |
Question Type (circle one): Lookup Arithmetic Statistical |
I performed a linear regression on a sample of [dataset or subset] and found a weak / strong / moderate (R=…), positive / negative correlation between [x-axis] and [y-axis]. I would predict that a 1 [x-axis units] increase in [x-axis] is associated with a [slope, y-units] increase / decrease in [y-axis]. |
These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927).
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