Modeling with sin

For this section, use Slide 2: "Modeling the Ferris Wheel Dataset (sin)" of the Exploring Periodic Functions Desmos File. You’ll find the data from the Ferris Wheel plotted in red, along with a basic periodic model of the form f(x) = a sin(b(x - h)) + k.

1 Use the sliders to estimate the best periodic fit.

2 The peaks are at feet, troughs are at feet, midline is at feet and the amplitude is feet

3 The period of the data is minutes. If $$\displaystyle \text{period} = {2\pi \over\displaystyle \text{frequency}}$$, what is the frequency? cycles per minute

4 Adjust the slider for horizontal shift to find the best fit, then write your model below in Function and Pyret notation. Express h in terms of pi.

Function Notation

f(x) = amplitude × sin( frequency (x - horizontal shift) ) + vertical shift

Pyret Notation

fun f​(​x​): (​  ​* sin​(​  ​* (​x ​-  ​)​)​) +   end

Translating from sin to cos

For this section, advance to Slide 3: "Translating from sin to cos" of the Exploring Periodic Functions Desmos File. You’ll see a function f(x) defined here graphed in blue, which uses cos instead of sin.

5 Adjust the sliders so that the function q perfectly overlaps the function p. What is the value of a? b? k?

6 What was the value of h, expressed as a decimal? What was the value of h, expressed a fraction of pi?

7 Change the definition of p in Desmos to math row 1 below and adjust the definition of q to match the new curve. Complete the second row by changing the definition of p in Desmos again and adjust q again.

Function using sin

Function using cos

Vertical Shift k

p(x) = 10 sin(1⋅(x - 0)) + 2

q(x) =

p(x) =

q(x) =

8 Do you think that all basic cosine functions can be expressed as sine functions? Why or why not?

Modeling with cos

For this section, advance to Slide 4: "Modeling the Ferris Wheel Dataset (cos)" of the Exploring Periodic Functions Desmos File.

9 Translate your sin-based model to a cos-based one. Express the horizontal shift in terms of pi.

Function Notation

g(x) = amplitude × cos( frequency (x - horizontal shift) ) + vertical shift

Pyret Notation

fun g​(​x​): (​  ​* cos​(​  ​* (​x ​-  ​)​)​) +   end

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