The standard form of periodic models is f(x) = a sin(b⋅(x - h)) + k. Let’s explore the role of amplitude a in periodic functions! Open the Desmos File Exploring Periodic Functions to Slide 2: Modeling the Ferris Wheel Dataset (sin). You should see four sliders for a, b, h, and k.

1 Adjust the sliders to fit the data as best you can, and fill in the coefficients: a, b, h and k

2 Change ONLY the slider for a, experimenting with values at 100, 50, -50, and 0, graphing each curve below. For each curve, label the coordinates at time=15, 30, and 45.

a = 100

a = 50

a = - 50

a = 0

3 What does a tell us about a periodic function?

The distance between two adjacent peaks or troughs is called the period: the interval over which the pattern repeats itself.

4 What effect does changing a have on the period of a periodic function?

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