Open your copy of Fitting a Model: State Demographics Starter File. If you haven’t already, Save a Copy now.

1 Which two columns will you explore? x-axis and y-axis.

2 Fill in the code to make a scatter plot exploring the relationship between those columns:

scatter-plot​(​states-table, "state",  ,  ​)

3 Pick two states to use for your first model: and .

4 Based on these two points, define your model in Function and Pyret Notation:

Function Notation Pyret Notation

f(x) = x +

fun f​(​x​): (​  ​* x​) +   end

5 Type this model into Pyret, and fit it to your data use fit-model. What S value did you get?

6 What’s the best model you can build? In the table below, record your models and the S values you got for them, then draw a star next to the one with the best S-value.

Model (Function or Pyret Notation - whatever you prefer!) S

What does this model actually mean? Try completing the sentences below:

This model predicts that a 1 percentx-axis units increase in x-axis is associated with a slope, y-units increaseincrease / decrease in y-axis. Based on the S of S and y-axis ranging from lowest y-value to highest y-value, I would say this model fits real well / not great / poorly / terribly.

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