The displays on the left are called multi bar charts.

The displays on the right are called stacked barcharts.

Political Structure of Countries in the Americas

A multi bar chart showing the count of countries with each political structure by region of the Americas. From Central America: 2 authoritarian, 4 flawed democracy, 1 full democracy, and 4 hybrid regime. From North America: 2 flawed democracy and 1 full democracy. From South America: 1 authoritarian, 7 flawed democracy, and 1 each of full democracy and hybrid regime.

A stacked bar chart showing the political structure of countries in each region of the Americas by percentage. From Central America: 18.2% authoritarian, 36.4% flawed democracy, 9% full democracy, and 36.4% hybrid regime. From North America: 67% flawed democracy and 33% full democracy. From South America: 10% authoritarian, 70% flawed democracy, and 10% each of full democracy and hybrid regime.

Distribution of sexes across Rabbits, Tarantulas and Lizards

A multi bar chart, showing the distribution of sexes across dogs (6 female, 9 male), cats (6 female, 5 male), and rabbits (1 female, 1 male)

A stacked bar chart, showing the distribution of sexes across dogs (6 female, 9 male), cats (6 female, 5 male), and rabbits (1 female, 1 male)

What do you Notice? What do you Wonder?

1 Is it possible that the same data was used for the multi bar charts as for the stacked bar charts? How do you know?

2 Write a question that it would be easiest to answer by looking at one of the multi bar charts.

3 Write a question that it would be easiest to answer by looking at one of the stacked bar charts.

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