

  • Online Community [Discourse] - Talk with other Bootstrap teachers, ask questions, and share ideas!

  • Remote Instruction [link] - specific recommendations for in-person v. remote instruction.

  • Poster Set for Classroom Walls [link] - This poster set features Pioneers in Computing and Mathematics. For greater impact, engage your students with these materials using our Computing Needs All Voices lesson.

Starter Files

Many of our lessons have their own starter files, linked from the materials section of each lesson plan. Below is a collated list of all the starter files from across the curriculum.

Exercises and Solutions


Notes, Slides, and Starter Files

Other Curricular Materials

  • Contracts [PDF] - for teachers who want only the contracts reference from the back of the student workbook, without using the entire book.

  • Glossary [link] - All of the vocabulary words (and their definitions) used in this pathway.

  • Bilingual Glossary of Bootstrap Terms (English-Spanish) [PDF] - For teachers with ELL/ESL students, we provide a bilingual glossary for all of the terms used across our curriculum library.

Resources that Pair Well

  • What’s Going on in this Graph? - weekly intriguing data visualizations by the New York Times

  • The Pudding - fascinating, data-rich visual essays explaining ideas debated in culture

  • How Not To - friendly potshots at terrible Data Science, regularly posted to social media under the hashtag "HowNotTo"

  • Same Stats, Different Graphs - an illustration from Autodesk of why we must see the shape of data and not just focus on the descriptive statistics

  • Guess the Correlation - a game-ified resource (built by Omar Wagih) for building intuition for correlation, based on randomly-generated scatterplots

  • Sensitive r - an applet from Geogebra that shows how changing a single point can change the correlation coefficient r

Other Facilitation Resources

  • Homework Submission Template [google form] - Efficiently collect hyperlinks to student work.

  • Broadening Participation [slides] - This compilation of best-practices from the CS-Education literature offers guidance on broadening student participation.

Standalone Hour of Code Activities from Bootstrap

  • Hour of Data [link] - A self-guided Desmos activity for exploring a real dataset, and using it to make sense of a real-world problem.

These materials were developed partly through support of the National Science Foundation, (awards 1042210, 1535276, 1648684, 1738598, 2031479, and 1501927). CCbadge Bootstrap by the Bootstrap Community is licensed under a Creative Commons 4.0 Unported License. This license does not grant permission to run training or professional development. Offering training or professional development with materials substantially derived from Bootstrap must be approved in writing by a Bootstrap Director. Permissions beyond the scope of this license, such as to run training, may be available by contacting