Over the past two years, we've completely rewritten our entire curriculum library into a new format we call "Remix". This is the most ambitious change to our materials in our 13 year history, and we're excited to share it with you! This series of posts will focus on the problems Remix solves, and what that means for teachers. If you'd like to read them all, here's your table of contents:
This is also true for every single workbook page and handout as well! So you can pull the workbook pages for today in Google Docs, make whatever edits you need, and then distribute and collect them via your normal Google Classroom workflow.
Teaching remotely? Now even our workbooks can be digital - and you can customize them to your hearts' content, using the Google Docs interface you already know!
The engineering behind this has been pretty heavy, and we're still working to improve the way each page imports into Drive. We've prioritized getting all the lessons right, and we'll be polishing the workbook page imports over the next few months.